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Communications & Advocacy

Communication plays a key role in collecting, packaging, and disseminating of information to aak-GROW/CropLife Kenya members and stakeholders. The Association does this by using various communication platforms including: social media, mainstream media channels among others.  Various initiatives have been developed by the Association to correct misconceptions regarding the safety of our products on human health and the environment.

Social Media and Main Media Engagements

Through our Facebook, Twitter, and Linked-in accounts we keep our stakeholders updated on the latest happenings in the industry. As an Association we have adopted a communication strategy aimed at giving concise and accurate information on the pesticides sector in Kenya.  Feel free to follow us for the latest updates.

The strategy communicates the current pesticides regulatory environment to the public for assurance that when pesticides are used accordingly, they are effective, safe for human health and the environment. 

aak-GROW Advocacy Programme

Our Advocacy role works to influence the conduct of the public, our leaders/policy makers, consumers and other stakeholders with respect to Responsible Use (RU) & the regulatory frameworks surrounding Pest Control Products (PCPs).

The objectives of our advocacy are:

  1. Proactively assure stakeholders (policy makers, consumers, public) on the safety, responsible use and regulation of registered PCPs in Kenya’s agriculture industry.
  2. Support food security agenda in the country and region through sustained responsible use of PCPs, training and awareness creation among large and smallholder value chains
  3. Ensure favorable regulatory environment of PCPs and other relevant technologies that support farmers to produce for local and export markets.